Tag Archives: Texas

New York Times Talks Low Income Housing

Posted in In the Press by Kristie
July 19, 2017


A recent story on the front page of the New York Times featured Houston, Texas speaks about how cities decide where affordable housing  SHOULD  go.  It discussed the role of government subsidized housing, neighborhood groups, and politicians have in maintaining our country’s tragic racial and social divides.


For h+uo architects this topic hits close to home. Partner, Tom Hatch, has worked closely with John Henneberger and Karen Paup since the late 70’s. The founders of Texas Low Income Housing Information Service (TLIHIS), John and Karen have helped organize most inner-city neighborhoods in Austin and the Valley in the interest of helping local groups find their political strength to create housing for the working poor and those less fortunate.


With commonalities to projects Karen, John, and Tom have encountered in the Valley, Houston is facing a great debate on how low income housing effects surrounding areas and if the outcome is as negative as predicted. In h+uo’s experience these well managed housing communities have no negative effect, including not lowering property values.  Houston has a bad habit of supporting affordable housing in very problematic and sometimes poisonous parts of the city, where no one else wants to live.


Lakeline Station


Two of our more recent known low income projects in Austin are Lakeline Station and Homestead Oaks. Working closely with Foundation Communities, these two projects exemplify what can be done in great neighborhoods where good schools, public transportation, and work opportunities exist for all.  In addition to the family based communities, Foundation Communities includes Learning Centers that provide the best after school activities that nourish the minds and the health of all area children while helping parents whose work schedules do not coincide with school hours.



Homestead Oaks


So, while neighborhood groups in many cities such as Houston are fighting against the Low Income Housing movement, h+uo continues to bat for its growth. Creating needed quality affordable housing in all parts of cities is where our hearts are.


Oak Point Park Nature and Retreat Center

Posted in Uncategorized by Kristie
May 23, 2014

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h+uo architects is working on a new facility for Oak Point Park in Plano, Texas. This building will be a Nature and Retreat Center, and will also house Plano’s Parks and Recreation staff offices. The staff is excited to be moving from their old space downtown into one of their most spectacular parks, and the meeting rooms are expected to host corporate retreats as well as summer camps and outreach events.

The Nature and Retreat Center will overlook a forested creek and a lake, and the design complements nearby existing pavilion and restroom structures that h+uo designed in 2008.

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Natural stone, exposed steel, wood clerestory windows, and standing-seam metal butterfly roofs contribute to a design that we think will be both inviting and memorable. The 45-foot-high stone tower with its lighthouse clerestory will be visible from far away, and the grand entry and exhibit hall will serve as a ceremonial entrance to the natural world of Oak Point Park.

Right now, the City is selecting a contractor for the project, and hopes to break ground soon. We will post photos of construction as the project progresses.


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